About livingjudaism
LivingJudaism is dedicated to sharing spiritual principles that will help you gain a deeper and clearer understanding of yourself and your world, so you can simplify your life and experience a greater sense of presence, well-being and resilience in the face of whatever comes your way. Our mission is to help you be the best that you can be, so you can enjoy the life you want and make a positive difference in the world
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coachingOur coaching is based on the belief that human beings are innately healthy, and that we already have everything we need to lead productive and fulfilling lives. In fact, our biggest challenge is that we don't understand this about ourselves. (more)
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upcominga byte of insyteAnatomy of a Journey
“No man goes further than the man who doesn’t know where he is going.” – Oliver Cromwell
Amy was one of my first clients, she was very angry, and it was easy to understand why. She was in her mid-forties, desperately wanted to marry and have kids, and had just been dumped by the man she thought she was going to marry after a two year relationship. (more) |